Solar panels are among the renewable energy installations most popular with individuals. They offer a great diversity of configurations so that each household can find the solution that suits them. Various technologies are also at your disposal. Are you planning to install solar panels? paneles solares bogota takes stock of the advantages and disadvantages in 2022 of the various equipment available on the market.
Advantages and disadvantages of solar panels in 2022
There are 4 different types of solar panels. Each technology has its added values and its small flaws, but, before going into detail, here are the different attributes and pitfalls common to all solar panels, regardless of their method of manufacture and their use:
Advantages of solar panels in 2022
- They work with green, free, and unlimited energy.
- They are eligible for state aid (MaPrimeRenov, zero-rate eco-loan, reduced VAT, EEC, regional, or Anah aid depending on the situation).
- It is an added value to your home.
- They offer a long-term view of your energy budget.
- They are silent.
- They produce the energy that was necessary for their manufacture in 3 to 4 years.
Disadvantages of solar panels in 2022
- The initial investment is quite high.
- Sometimes it’s unattractive.
- Photovoltaic panels: advantages and disadvantages in 2022
- In the family of solar panels, photovoltaic models are the ones to choose if you want to produce electricity. Its photovoltaic cells collect the sun’s rays and thus produce an electrical voltage. Silicon is the main conductive material used to manufacture photovoltaic solar panels.
There are then 3 types of cells:
Monocrystalline silicon cells: here, they consist of a single block of silicon. They have uniformly oriented crystals, which gives them a good yield of between 15 and 20%. These solar panels are usually black.
Polycrystalline silicon cells: these are panels that include multiple crystals. This offers them a satisfactory energy production capacity, particularly in areas with good sunlight where their efficiency of 12 to 15% may be sufficient. The cells now display blue tones.
Amorphous silicon cells: silicon gas is deposited on glass, metal, or plastic surfaces to create very interesting cells for large surfaces. If the yield is 6 to 8%, it remains optimal even in cloudy weather, when the temperatures get carried away, or on flat roofs.
Contrary to what one might think, photovoltaic panels love the sun, but not the heat. The temperature that ensures optimal operation is thus 25°C. Beyond that, electricity production can drop by 25%.
Note: for your solar panels to operate at their maximum capacity, orient them towards the south with an inclination of 30°. It is also important to ensure that there are no cast shadows and that the solar panels are clean.
Benefits of Photovoltaic Solar Panels in 2022
Wide variety of Bateria gel technologies to adapt to all budgets and all geographical situations. The investment quickly pays for itself (the cost of electricity continues to increase).
Sell your electricity.
- Energy-saving and even the possibility of earning money by reselling its electricity production.
- Quick setup.
- Little maintenance.
Disadvantages of photovoltaic panels in 2022
They may not fit every home, as they require some exposure to fully function.
Their lifespan is about 20 years, but only about ten years for the inverter.
Good to know: solar panels work everywhere
If the production of solar energy is maximum in the sunniest areas, it is quite possible to install solar panels in regions less spoiled by the weather. Indeed, it is the rays of the sun that make the panels rotate, not the light. Thus, solar panels installed in the North produce only 30% less energy than similar models installed in the South.
Aerovoltaic solar panels: advantages and disadvantages in 2022
Aerovoltaic solar panels consist of photovoltaic cells to which a ventilation system has been added. Placed under the panels, it makes it possible to exploit the hot air released by the cells. The big advantage is that you produce electricity and hot air for your interior.
Benefits of Aerovoltaic Solar Panels in 2022
- They offer a dual function by making it possible to produce electricity, but also energy for heating or domestic hot water.
- They make it possible to limit the loss of photovoltaic production when temperatures rise thanks to the exploitation of the heat released.
- It is possible to produce fresh air in summer thanks to that which circulates under the panels at night.
- They offer a good ventilation system.
Disadvantages of Aerovoltaic Solar Panels in 2022
- They are more expensive than conventional photovoltaics.
- It is a fairly recent and perfectible technology.
- Ventilation cannot replace a CMV.
- It is more effective in the summer.
- Heating production can show its limits in the heart of winter.
- They require a modification of the roof.
- The house must be perfectly insulated.
- Longevity is difficult to estimate.
Good to know: what does the efficiency of solar panels correspond to?
The performance of solar panels
is expressed as a percentage, because it is the proportion of solar rays transformed into energy. Consumer models have an efficiency of between 6 and 20%. The maximum power of your equipment (expressed in watt peak) is another criterion to take into account when determining the size required for your installation and comparing the different models.
Solar thermal panels: advantages and disadvantages in 2022
Solar thermal panels use the heat from the sun’s rays to produce domestic hot water and/or heating. They are thus available in two types of installations: the individual solar water heater and the combined solar system (larger tank for water and heating).