Virtual reality (or VR for virtual reality) is a computer technology that simulates the physical presence of a user in a virtual world generated by a computer, game console, or smartphone and in which the user in question can evolve and interact with the elements that make up this universe.
- The virtual designates today what is fictitious, digital, and intangible, as opposed to the real world.
- Virtual reality, a parallel universe!
Virtual reality is a real sensory immersion since it is able to stimulate, depending on the technologies used, four of our five senses: touch, sight, hearing, and smell, thus promoting the impression for the user to travel in time, space, and across different worlds.
The virtual universe created can be, in the words of Philippe Fuchs in the Treaty of Virtual Reality, “imaginary, symbolic or a simulation of certain aspects of the real world”, thus offering infinity of possibilities and an immersion without limit, at least only those resulting from the imagination of the developers of these worlds.
Virtual reality today
Since then, research carried out around VR has continued to develop the possibilities offered by this technology in all areas known to our society: leisure with video games, but also in health, safety, education, or architecture. The media have for their part offered an increasingly important place to VR, relaying innovations and novelties, while manufacturers and high-tech brands seized on the subject, making the market more accessible to consumers and foster innovation.
Today, when we talk about virtual reality, we think in particular of:
- Samsung Gear VR headset, commercial release: November 2015
- Oculus Rift headset, commercial release: March 2016
- HTC Vive headset, commercial release: April 2016
- Razor OSVR headset, pre-order commercial release: July 2016
- PlayStation VR headset, commercial release: October 2016
Is virtual reality limitless?
In theory, Servreality technologies virtual reality has limits only those imposed by current technological constraints and the offer proposed by publishers and developers of virtual experiences.
However, in practice many limits emerge as humans discover and use this technology:
Health-related limitations: several cases of orientation disorders, migraines, loss of balance have been reported, so you must strictly follow the manufacturers’ recommendations for use and do not hesitate to consult a doctor in case of unwanted symptoms. Limits related to social impact: imagine a world where real interactions, human to human, are outdated (or even gone) due to massive and prolonged use of VR. All connected to a virtual world without any more reason or desire to leave it, so much the virtual would be modeled and thought to become the centerpiece of a new way of life. This deliberately pessimistic scenario straight out of Cline’s imagination and brought to light by Spielberg with Ready Player One for the moment is fiction. However, it is important to note that some users who immerse themselves perfectly in a VR experience have more difficulty coming out of it and that the return to reality can sometimes be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, lower morale even depression. VR experiences should be short, and regular outside contact is recommended.
Why use virtual reality VR?
Virtual reality is designed to improve the experience of users who often use videos such as video games but today we talk more about VR than in the world of gaming. VR has finally found other avenues of development; it is the professional world that is adopting this technology either for the establishment of experiential marketing or for the establishment of virtual stands or even rooms virtual meetings etc.
How to use virtual reality too?
1- Virtual reality for professionals “Meeting room”
Virtual reality rooms or in other words “virtual meeting rooms” have several functionalities such as the projection of images on the wall, floor, ceiling, and blackboard screens. Thanks to this technology, employees can meet at any time in a virtual space, share, communicate and exchange with each other either with or without a virtual reality headset.
2- Virtual reality in real estate
Virtual reality has developed a lot in various fields. Today we are talking about virtual tours and being able to immerse themselves in virtual real estate by offering customers the possibility of projecting themselves and preparing projects identical to customer expectations. Really, the visits with headphones are high-end projects either for visits to offices, residences, or buildings designed and modeled in 3D and 360 ° captures ensuring very precise details and design. On the other hand, visits without helmets are generally made for a presentation of a product, a green space, a technology.
The good news is the possibility of integrating this innovative technology on websites and mobile applications in order to put the tool within the reach of all visitors for fitting or information.
3- Virtual reality in the industry
The trusted web source industry has developed over the years and immersed itself in virtual reality like any other field. VR has been used a lot in the visits of production lines, factories, and especially for the presentations of interactive models of a potential construction of a factory or of a large line of factories and to visualize all the buildings before ‘they are not built. Virtual reality has shown its capabilities and efficiency in relation to resource management (time, space, energy, cost, security, transparency, etc.). Today, we talk about VR scenarios where we imagine a visit from a customer, trying to find anomalies or improvements to avoid any kind of health scandal or any other disappointment on the part of the consumer. Just wear a VR headset such as the one from Samsung Gear VR or Oculus Go.
4- Virtual reality and training
To complete various training such as safety or maintenance training, no need to spend too much to set everything up and multiply your costs. With virtual reality, you can integrate all of the training virtually, transmit all the necessary skills, and train the staff well with case studies developed by yourself such as a video explaining how a fire can start with just one click and make them learn to handle new software or an industrial machine with real simulations to fully understand and know how to handle them. For an interactive experience, there are so-called “sedentary” virtual headsets equipped with a joystick to be able to explore everything and make an unlimited number of attempts. There are HTC Vive or Oculus Rift headsets that meet this need.
5- Virtual reality in events
Other than the real estate sector and industry, we also find virtual reality present in the event sector. Apart from the promotion of products or services through creative virtual reality events, there is also an exhaustive list of virtual events organized by several parties in recent years such as matches presented in 360 ° video, virtual stands, virtual concerts or shows, virtual open house, cinema, group games, integration day.