Rationalism is understood as a philosophical doctrine that affirms and maintains the supremacy of reason rather than experience. Rationalism is the perfection of reason. The thesis of rationalism is actually characterized by concepts or mental systems and explanations of science in logical terms. This took place in the seventeenth century and often points to the father of rationalism with the philosopher, who argued that the only way to obtain universal truth is that all other scientific knowledge is justified. This is why the new rationalist magazines state that reason is the source of knowledge and this knowledge is innate but hidden in our minds. Sometimes rationalism is associated with atheism because all their positions and thesis justify before their experiences and even exalt it above their own faith.
In the doctrine of rationalism it has been preserved that human beings, as a rational mind, use this tool to create knowledge, that is, knowledge, and leave the perception of feelings and experience on one’s own. More distant planes since Reason lie in being and are innate. Rational rationalism is also used in architecture and serves to refer to the branch of architecture that is against the excessive decoration that was proposed in Art Nouveau and that developed at the end of the First World War. This movement seeks to encourage the creation of simple and dynamic forms that must be made with materials such as steel and concrete.
We have said that these two theories contradict each other; however, it is important to say that the empirical approach is based on experience and affirm that knowledge is based on existing experience. (Experimental method) and from what is registered with through the senses, such as the method of observation. But the rational model, as we have already explained, shows that reason is more important than experience because the senses can deceive a person for any reason while reason cannot deceive.
It is the way that these conflicting theories or theories focus on rationality. (Rationalism) and others for experience and perception (empiricism)
Hardly anything is as difficult as admitting that you were wrong. Admitting that the other side was right and radically revising one’s perspective based on the facts is often interpreted as a sign of weakness and failure. But nothing could be further from the facts: only when we are ready to honestly think through new evidence, accept its logical consequences and integrate it into our own worldview, can we make progress as a society. Intellectual openness, curiosity about other positions, and saying goodbye to beloved, but flawed views are valuable virtues that are indispensable for a lifestyle based on the values of rationality and which must be appreciated. We are therefore looking for contributions of 1,000 to 3,000 words in length, in which the respective person describes their experience of admitting that they were wrong about a question that was important to them. What was the original position taken? How has it changed? What was the trigger? How did you deal with it yourself? How did the social environment react? Has the experience permanently changed your own opinion-forming process? These and similar questions should be dealt with in this category.
The perspectives on socio-political developments in recent years are controversial, but inseparable from the question of the importance of rationality and how we deal with those who think differently. For this reason, creative contributions should be awarded in the first category, which deals in 1,000 to 3,000 words with at least one of the following three questions oriented towards the current zeitgeist:
Fake news for one, facts for another – can the information still be trusted? At a time in which political discussions are being conducted more and more ruthlessly and the much-invoked filter bubbles seem to regulate our access to knowledge algorithmically, the question arises as to whether and how one can use the vast amounts of arguments, figures, data, and facts with which one is every day is confronted, should process, let alone critically examine. How can we deal with these challenges rationally?
In recent years, a doctrine of the equivalence of different beliefs has spread, which can be summed up polemically as “Everyone has a right to his or her personal truth”. From a critical-rational perspective, what is to be made of such a worldview? And what does it mean for our coexistence?
Fear instead of arguments – freedom of expression? The term “cancel culture” has established itself in recent years as a characterization of a situation in which the boundaries of what can be said seem to be increasingly narrowed by forced expansions or even threats of violence. Some commentators lament the excessive form of political correctness and see our freedom of expression in danger. Are these diagnoses correct? How important is freedom of expression for a functioning, rational social discourse?
Positivism arises as a branch of empiricism because they only consider it to be valid knowledge that comes from experience. This contributes to the scientific knowledge for the restructuring of social life as human beings are understood to have to be studied by science based on human experience after the industrial revolution process that brought with them the education of workers.
Surrealism is presented as an anti- new rationalist idea that is, it is its opposite, and based on the idea or idea that describes reality. Rationalism is an attempt to find a suitable way of looking at the world of reality or reality. Because there are endless ways to convey, know or create an all-encompassing concept that we call reality. It is logical to understand that in surrealism, surrealism predominates and greatly surpasses reason and perception since both of the latter have to adapt to everything that human beings can and are capable of imagining.
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