When purchasing a vehicle, there are some important steps that can help ensure one gets a fair price as well as a vehicle without any surprises. For example, a buyer armed with the right information will have a better position when negotiating the purchase price.
Additionally, this information can help a buyer better understand the value of a particular vehicle as well as its standard and optional features. A Veritas Global Protection plan can also add peace of mind so buyers can concentrate on enjoying their new vehicle.
Do Some Research
When researching a vehicle, everything should be taken into consideration, things like the safety features, mileage, etc. However, it’s also important to know the history of a pre-owned vehicle, especially whether it has been involved in a severe collision or flooding incident; either of these could be cause for alarm and should be looked into further.
Other information that can be helpful to know would be the resale value of a specific make and model as well as its expected city and highway MPG. A vehicle that holds its value can be a huge asset when it comes time to start looking for a replacement.
Don’t Take the Vehicle Home
It might seem tempting, but buyers should never take advantage of a dealership’s offer to let them take a vehicle home while the paperwork is being processed or financing is pending. This leaves too many opportunities for problems to arise.
For one thing, a buyer can easily fall in love with the vehicle and will not be completely impartial when it comes to making the final negotiations. This leaves the dealership with an advantage.
Additionally, when the vehicle has already been in the hands of the buyer, the dealership financing might fall through, and the buyer will often feel obligated to take a less than desirable financing option. It’s best to wait until everything has been worked out and the paperwork is ready to be signed before taking ownership of a new or used vehicle.
Secure Financing
Financing is another area where a little research and preparation can pay off in significant savings on the final cost of a vehicle. With their budget in mind, buyers can be prepared for affordable car payments and the flexibility to choose the right Veritas Global Protection plan to meet their needs.
Buyers will find that pre-arranging financing, if necessary, is almost always better done before they start looking at vehicles. A dealership might offer financing, but it’s not always the best option, and private parties will generally require full payment at the time of purchase. With financing already arranged, the buyer will have more control over the transaction.
When talking with a dealership about financing a vehicle, the buyer should already know their credit score and the monthly payment that they are comfortable taking on. It’s easy for a finance officer to offer far more than a buyer can manage, especially considering that unexpected bills and expenses can crop up at any time.
A Veritas Global Protection Plan can help manage those unexpected auto repair bills, but it’s still a good idea to leave some extra room in the monthly budget.
Look Beyond the Monthly Payment
Another important step when looking for a vehicle is not focusing solely on the actual monthly payment. It’s easy for a dealership to offer what appears to be an affordable payment plan, but a prepared buyer will also want to calculate how much they’ll be paying for the vehicle.
A low payment spread out over six years can mean paying thousands of extra dollars for the vehicle. Do the math and know the end cost.
Shop Around and Know Available Options
Buyers should be prepared to shop around, visit more than one dealership, look at what’s available through third-party sellers, and make an informed decision regarding the overall value of the vehicle they have in mind. To fully protect a vehicle, a Veritas Global Protection plan is important.
With a vehicle protection plan, buyers can enjoy their new car without the worry of costly maintenance or repair bills. No matter what type of vehicle a buyer chooses, even if it’s an exotic car, such as a Lamborghini, Ferrari, or Bentley, there’s a plan to meet their needs.
Purchase a Vehicle Protection Plan
A Veritas Global Protection plan lets buyers know their vehicle is covered, even after the original manufacturer’s warranty expires. Whether it’s one of the Select Wrap, Premier, or Deluxe protection plans or a Simplicity Comprehensive Plus plan, the right vehicle protection plan can help protect buyers from unexpected repair bills.
Each plan states what is covered, so choosing the right plan is easy. Professional repairs for brakes, transmission, power train, drive axles, and electric drive motor or power compressor are just some of the components offered under specific Veritas Global Protection plans.
When purchasing a vehicle, many buyers find it one of their largest financial investments; it makes sense to ensure that this investment is protected. An unexpected mechanical problem can leave a vehicle owner without transportation while also facing the worries that come with an unanticipated expense. With some pre-planning at the time of purchasing a vehicle, a buyer can include a comprehensive protection plan to offer peace of mind in the event of mechanical or electrical failures in their vehicle.