The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is a classic sitcom that starred Will Smith as a street-smart teenager from Philadelphia who moves in with his wealthy relatives in Bel-Air. The show ran for six seasons and was a hit with viewers of all ages. The cast of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air brought the characters to life and made the show a success. Let’s take a look at the cast of this beloved show.
Cast of "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was a beloved sitcom that starred Will Smith as the titular character. Alongside Will Smith, the show featured a talented cast of actors and actresses.
The main cast of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air included:
- Will Smith as Will Smith
- James Avery as Philip Banks
- Janet Hubert-Whitten as Vivian Banks
- Alfonso Ribeiro as Carlton Banks
- Karyn Parsons as Hilary Banks
- Tatyana M. Ali as Ashley Banks
- Joseph Marcell as Geoffrey Butler
- Daphne Maxwell Reid as Vivian Banks (Seasons 4-6)
Character Profiles
Will Smith: Will Smith is the titular character of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. He is a street-smart teenager from Philadelphia who moves in with his wealthy relatives in Bel-Air. Will quickly adjusts to his new lifestyle and often finds himself in humorous situations.
James Avery: James Avery plays Philip Banks, the patriarch of the Banks family. He is a lawyer and the head of the family. Philip is often strict and serious, but he has a soft spot for Will.
Janet Hubert-Whitten: Janet Hubert-Whitten plays Vivian Banks, the matriarch of the Banks family. Vivian is a loving and caring mother who is often the voice of reason in the family.
Alfonso Ribeiro: Alfonso Ribeiro plays Carlton Banks, the oldest child of the Banks family. Carlton is a preppy and often uptight young man who is often at odds with Will.
Karyn Parsons: Karyn Parsons plays Hilary Banks, the middle child of the Banks family. Hilary is a fashion-conscious young woman who often finds herself in romantic entanglements.
Tatyana M. Ali: Tatyana M. Ali plays Ashley Banks, the youngest child of the Banks family. Ashley is an intelligent and