No matter if you just started your own business or are part of a huge marketing team for an established company, advertising and marketing are integral to a successful business. There are numerous ways to achieve this and many of them require huge budgets and creative directors.
We are here to introduce you to an alternative strategy that you might not have come across yet: custom printed stickers.
Yes, you read that right. Stickers do not just belong on playgrounds, they are true marketing powerhouses that can generate exposure for your business and help you reach new potential passengers. We will share five great ways of making stickers work for your business below.
1. Add stickers to your orders
One of the greatest things about stickers is that they are very cost-effective, making them a low-risk investment. This can enable you to add free stickers to your orders or with your purchases.
This way you can unlock their superpower: given under the right circumstances, stickers are not seen as a means of advertising, but are rather considered a gift. Gift-giving is powerful because it evokes a psychological reaction. When we receive a gift, we feel the subconscious need to return the favor. In this scenario, this can entail a repeat purchase or even a recommendation.
If you want to give this a try, we recommend getting custom vinyl stickers printed, just like the stickers you can find here. This material makes sure your customers have a great experience no matter what they want to stick their stickers to, making them resistant to water, sunlight and scratches.
2. Seasonal packaging
One of the biggest advantages of using custom stickers is that they allow you to run temporary campaigns or switch up your existing marketing efforts easily and quickly. Through this, seasonal packaging becomes an easy goal to achieve.
Seasonal packaging means you can unleash your creativity regularly and ensure that your parcels or shopping bags really stick out from your competitors. Moreover, it will make your customers smile and remember their experience with your brand. Seasonal stickers also increase the shareability of your parcels, making them more likely to end up on customer’s Instagrams.
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3. Limited edition labels
You have probably come across many limited edition seals. This just goes to show that they actually work. Through adding a simple sticker, you can communicate the exclusivity and high-quality of your product and engineer product scarcity.
This makes your product immediately more desirable and enables you to limit the time your customers have to make a purchase decision. In particularly in comparison to your competitors, whose products will continue to be available for weeks to come, a limited edition sticker makes your range stand out.
It is worth investing in special material like glitter or holographic labels to really communicate the high quality of your brand and have your product range seen.
4. Sticky business cards
This is a great idea for businesses that provide a face-to-face service or if you are heading to an event or exhibitions relevant for your business.
Instead of traditional business cards, you can hand out your business information printed on a sticker. This not only allows your business to stand out from competitors, but also makes sure that you leave a lasting impression with your customers.
It can be worth including your logo or a great design on your sticker to increase the likelihood of customers using your business card stickers on their personal devices. Imagine at the reach your logo can create when it is used as a laptop sticker by a client or customer. If you visit this maangome, you can get more information about it. It is high time, to click here to know malluwap and also you should learn more about soap2day.
5. Guerrilla tactics
Finally, let’s look at a rather unconventional idea: You have probably heard of this term before. Guerrilla marketing describes unorthodox advertising strategies that do not depend on agencies or budgets. Instead, guerrilla marketing aims to deliver your brand message in an unexpected way, while having customers actively interact with your business.
Such strategies are very versatile, and a quick Google search will deliver lots of inspiration. However, stickers are a fast and easy way to reap the rewards of guerrilla marketing as they allow you to cover lots of ground in a short space of time.
We hope you enjoyed these five tips and are ready to put them to action. Should you have any questions or would like to share your experience using stickers for your marketing, please leave a comment in the section below.