What is an NFT? Explanation of important terms
First, let’s take a look at some of the important terms and definitions we use. A larger context is needed to understand what NFTs are and how they work. Be sure to check out Blockchain Australia if you’d like to find out more about Whitelabel NFT Marketplaces instead.
NFT Meaning is the abbreviation of NON-FONGIBLE-TOKEN. At this point, it may not make much sense. The term “substitutable” is not particularly common. But this basically means that certain things are interchangeable.
For example, in economics, money is an alternative asset. It comes with a unit and can be easily exchanged without losing or gaining value (for example, one $20 invoice and two $10 invoices). Substitutable assets also include items such as gold, cryptocurrencies, and stocks.
Substitutable assets can be divided in various ways and can be supplied indefinitely. They can be used in a myriad of ways, including payments and storage of value.
Non-substitute assets, on the other hand, are unique works such as paintings, homes and trading cards. For example, a painting can be copied or photographed, but the original remains the original and the replica does not have the same value.
What is an NFT? It is a unit of data stored in a blockchain digital ledger each non-fungible token act as a kind of certificate of authenticity, indicating that the digital asset is unique and incompatible. Thanks to the cryptographic principles that make the blockchain unique, NFTs cannot be modified, tuned, or stolen.
Digital assets
Simply put, a digital asset is anything in digital form that has the right to use (the right to copy, copy, copy, modify and use it in other ways). Therefore, for example, items such as documents, audio or video content, images, and other similar digital data are considered digital assets.
We have dedicated a complete article to understanding blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and Bitcoin. This article emphasized that blockchain is a kind of database, a collection of electronically stored information or data.
Unlike traditional databases, a blockchain is a set of “blocks” of interconnected data. The blockchain creates a shared digital ledger (data collection) for recording activities and information within the chain.
All ledgers on the blockchain are stored on thousands of different servers around the world. This means that anyone on the network can view (and validate) all other entries. This peer-to-peer and distributed ledger technology is so-called distributed ledger technology, so it is virtually impossible to tamper with or modify the data in a block. Therefore, to use IBM’s definition, the blockchain is a shared, immutable (persistent and immutable) ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets. When thinking about NFTs, NFTs are created on the blockchain and cannot be incorporated into another blockchain ecosystem. They exist on this blockchain and prove the credibility of the property you purchased.
Why are NFTs worth it?
As mentioned earlier, irreplaceable tokens are essentially proof of ownership of digital assets. This value stems from the recoverability of this asset and its potential future sale value. NFTs can be sold and traded. Likewise, the use of art is a prime example of the value of NFTs. In February 2021, digital artist Beeple sold his NFT works on Everyday-The First 5000 Days through Christie’s auction house for a price of up to 69.3 million US dollars.
NFT sales example
NFT works are not the only ones that sell well. There have been some notable NFT sales in the last few months, and there is speculation that there is a bubble in the market (more on this later).
The following is an example of NFT sales.
- The colorful GIF NFT sold for 300 Ethereum (crypto currency) and was worth about $ 561,000 at the time.
- The popular video of a baby biting his brother’s finger has been watched over 800 million times on YouTube. Video NFTs sold for around 700,000 euros.
What can irreplaceable tokens are used for?
What does NFT mean? Many people want to know if there are any use cases for NFT. However, although this concept is still in its infancy, some potential uses have been identified. We have selected some of the most famous below.
Match ticket
One of the uses of NFTs described in the open stage is event tickets. The argument is that if a ticket was created using a non-substitutable token, exchanging that ticket will have a record of that exchange.
Therefore, no one can sell tickets at a discounted price, steal tickets, or try to use counterfeit tickets. In fact, there is no possibility to replace the blockchain token associated with this ticket.
Some major problems in the fashion industry can be solved by using NFTs first of all, having a digital record of authenticity helps to combat issues such as counterfeiting. Luxury goods can be accompanied by an NFT that proves their authenticity. Similarly, irreplaceable tokens can show important data about the origin of an item, such as the materials used, where they came from, how much the item has moved, and so on. As fashion and sustainability issues become more imminent, it may help people make more ethical decisions.
Collected items
I have already touched on this point. People have always loved collecting souvenirs and jewelry. NFTs provide a means of guaranteeing reliability, a type of digital signature, or a stamp of approval.
Video game
NFTs allow players to own their own in-game items. Whether it’s fun, credibility or competition, these tokens can fuel the in-game ecosystem