Chemistry is one of the common subject taken by students of Junior College or IB level. The students who want to major in bio-science, life sciences, medical, and chemical engineering choose chemistry as the main subject. If we compare chemistry with other subjects then it is little tougher than others as it includes compositions, chemical reactions, and formulas to understand. It is an interesting subject but is not like walking in the park. The amount of reactions to memorize and what formulas you have to apply to carry out the job is quite hard to understand that makes this subject among difficult ones.
In order to tackle with this subject, your kids need guidance except of school teachers. For this you need to enroll them in tuition center or to hire a private chemistry tutor for them. To help you out in this matter, we have compiled a list of top best tuition centers in Singapore that teaches Chemistry. Every tuition center have tutors who have ability to provide multi-level teaching including lower to upper secondary level, O or A level, junior college, university level, and international baccalaureate. Just scroll down and choose any one that suits you and your kids.
Tutor City
One of the best chemistry tuition in Singapore is Tutor City that is offering both services a private tutor as well as a tutor in center. The teachers they provide have unique way of teaching that is they make customize lessons that are very easy for every student to understand. If you face any issue tutors are always ready to clear your concepts on any topic. The good point about about them is their teachers don’t rush students to go through all topics quickly but help them to understand every topic.
The highly professional tutors have the ability of multi-level teaching including O or A Level, secondary level, junior college, and university level. If you don’t feel comfortable with the teacher, you can easily switch to other as they have a huge database of tutors.
Related: Science Tutor
Uptas Learning Hub
The second one is Uptas Learning Hub center where chemistry subject is lead by PhD Doctorate Dr Aw who has more than 15 years of teaching experience in this subject. He has the ability to clear the concept of every student. He has also promised to help every struggling student of chemistry so he/she can do well.
In Uptas Learning Hub, every student can schedule time that suits them and also have the system to give feedback of the teachers. They also have a tracking system which helps to check the progress of each student. The speciality of Dr. Aw is multi-level teaching including A Level H2 chemistry, A or O level chemistry crash courses, and IP level weekly chemistry courses.
Sophia Education
The last one is Sophia Education that offers multi-level teaching of chemistry subject at A or O Level. The tutor that teaches at the center named “Ms Cheng” who has a many years of teaching experience and know how to deal with the student problems. She has been featured in Channel News Asia as the Super Tutor. She is not only available in tuition center but also give 24/7 study support on Whatsapp that is the reason is loved by many parents.
She offer customized worksheets and profess reports that help students and their parents. The classes are only conducted in small group as it help students to get proper attention from the tutor and also make easy for tutor to clear the concepts of all students. It effectively improves the student memorizing ability and give him/her confidence for exams.