This SAND price prediction is based on the daily time frame and the current position of the underlying currency. The daily chart of SAND shows a bearish channel pattern. The descending channel pattern moves between very accurate limits and is characterized by two parallel trendlines. Trading these two trendlines can be aggressive, and prices can continue to decline as long as they remain within the channel. Traders will profit if they can trade the upper and lower trendlines concurrently.
Another popular method for sand price prediction is to use moving averages. Moving averages provide an average closing price of SAND over a selected time frame. They are divided into similar-length intervals. For example, a twelve-day simple moving average is the closing price over the past 12 days, divided by 12. An exponential moving average gives more weight to recent prices and reacts more quickly to recent price movements. This method can be useful if you want to make a long-term SAND price prediction.
This SAND price prediction was based on the first half of the year. The first half of the year saw a gradual rise from $0.04064, but then surged above bullish predictions in early October. In three months, the price reached $5.21, but it fell as low as $0.1899 by early June. Similarly, the second half of the year began with a similar uptrend and a gradual increase, reaching $0.831 by late September.
Assuming that the price continues to rise, the price of Sandbox (SAND) may reach as high as $10. The 24-hour volume of the digital currency is $155,485,817. Eventually, the price of The Sandbox could go even higher. A bull market could take hold and push the price of The Sandbox to $4.21 in 2024. The price of the underlying currency will increase to $3.50 in 2023.
As a result of the announcement of the new name for the Metaverse, holders of the SAND token saw enormous gains. Their SAND token jumped more than 700%. The coin hit an all-time high of $8.4876 on the announcement. The price of SAND tokens may drop even further. DigitalCoinPrice has forecasted that SAND will breach the $2.86 level by the end of 2022. During this period, the token will trade between $2.34 and $3.30.
While the SAND price may be difficult to predict, it is worth considering its history. SAND first appeared on the market during the summer of 2020. Its first value was $0.08658. Afterwards, it hit a low of $0.07018. This is a bullish prediction for the upcoming five years. This crypto currency could also rise to $20 in 2022. The market is currently experiencing volatility, but most of the predictions are bullish.
Once you’ve purchased SAND, you can use it to exchange it for Bitcoin. Most exchanges now offer SAND for purchases. Binance is the most popular Sandbox exchange. However, the service is not available in every country. Other options are KuCoin, Kraken, and ByBit. To buy Sand, you must first open an exchange account with any exchange of your choice. For example, KuCoin requires that you provide your full name, email address, and a phone number.