Looking for a job in construction one may not only count on having a place to implement one’s artisanship but also expect salaries that will assure quite a decent living. If you believe the statistics from the US Bureau of Labor, the level of employment within the construction industry is supposed to grow by 4% by 2029. Also, it is worth mentioning that according to the same source of data, the median salary for the construction worker is 20% higher than the one within other industries. Given that, the construction occupation becomes more appealing, although it sets higher and higher requirements (especially safety-wise) for the applicant to get the job.
Safety comes first
Bear in mind that you can’t just apply for a job in construction without being properly trained. You must come fully equipped with knowledge on what equipment must be used, what are the rules for avoiding hazardous situations and keep life out of danger. Only then there is going to be given a permit for fulfilling the construction duties. No one will let you skip this part, putting the whole process at risk of losing people’s lives and failing the project.
Card to obtain
The permission discussed above is officially known as a Site Safety Training Card. Having one means that you have successfully mastered the 40 hours required by OSHA. These 40 hours are split into a 30 Hour OSHA Course and a SST course class 10. Attendance, active involvement, and examination passing guarantee you getting certified and valid for doing construction jobs. Requirements are strict and call for a responsible attitude, since knowing how to deal with equipment and treat risky moments, saves not only the life of one person but the others around as well.
Do the research
You have the skills that brought you to the construction jobs portal, seeking for the position to fulfill. However, here are some numbers for you to pay attention to. The average salary for construction workers is $37,080 and the inspectors make around $62,860. Metal specialists make $51,370 and elevator installers earn $88,540.
You may search for more numbers to compare. The idea for you is to think about whether there is a possibility to expand your professional expertise, master new skills, and get a job in a well-paid department. Analyze what you have to offer and estimate how much it’s gonna get paid. After, think about what knowledge and practical capability may add numbers to the estimated salary.
Know your options
With the opportunities provided by the world of technology and accessibility to global knowledge, one should never feel limited in what he or she can do and how much can make accordingly. The money you get directly depends on your skills, diligence, experience, and even geographical location. As you might see all of this is possible to be changed, enhanced, redirected, and adjusted to. Make sure to aspire to make more out of yourself. You may move, sign up for some extra courses. Experience may not come overnight, however devoted work and the thirst for constant improvement may help you overcome the line between ”not experienced” to “fast-learner”.
Everybody makes their fate. Sometimes it may seem like too many factors come in the way, but usually, it’s us being indecisive. That’s why when it comes to money-making, you are the boss for your expectations. The construction industry always has a job to offer and is ready to pay, as long as you are ready to be eligible for the positions they offer.