This article will essentially discuss the most common and effective ways to reduce the power consumption of your Air conditioner and, in turn, the electricity bill. There’s no denying that most people are paying significantly high electricity bills since spending their time at home due to the global health crisis.
If you are a first-timer buying an air conditioner, you would be wondering about the potential average monthly energy bill. Ideally, nobody would want to struggle with the hot summer weather, be it indoors or outdoors. However, you would not want an abnormally high electricity bill as well.
According to most AC service professionals, users essentially pay more due to the high energy consumption by air conditioning units at home. Here’s a detailed breakdown of some handy tips that can help you in this regard.
1. Correct Installation
There’s no denying that a perfect air conditioning unit installation can effectively lower your electricity bills. If your AC installation guy sets up the unit incorrectly, the machine will work harder. This will essentially reduce its efficiency while hiking up your monthly electricity bill.
If such is the case with you, please call a qualified AC service professional to address the issue. You must avoid bringing in local help since they typically lack the experience. Furthermore, you must also realise that improper installation can violate your product warranty.
2. Elude Direct Sunlight for Insulating the Room
You must make sure that your AC outdoor unit is not sitting in a direction where it is exposed to direct sunlight. Moreover, you must also ensure that your AC room has very few windows and doors, allowing sunlight to make the ambiance hot inside. This essentially makes the device go overboard to perform, thereby plummeting its operational efficiency.
You may ideally keep the windows and doors in your room closed to lower the energy consumption of your air conditioning unit. Doing otherwise will essentially let warm air enter the setting and spoil the cooling area.
3. Seal Leaks
As mentioned already, you may ideally choose to keep the windows and doors of your room closed to reduce the electricity bills of your air conditioning unit. However, your place has cluttered windows that are inefficient at restricting cold AC air; you may consider sealing them instead.
You can always try temporary adhesive such as mSeal for this kind of door and window sealing job. This way, you can sort out the issue and prevent the cold air from leaving your premises. This can essentially ensure that your AC unit is not running for most of the time and driving the electricity bill high.
4. Run At A Cut-Off Temperature
You may also consider setting the air conditioning unit at a cut-off rate of 24-degrees Celsius. This means that the device will automatically stop running as soon as it senses the room has reached the desired temperature.
Moreover, the AC compressor will again kick back into action when it realises that the room temperature has gone up. According to the most qualified AC service professionals, the appliance consumes less power, thereby helping the user to reduce the electricity bill.
5. Wash Air Filters Regularly
Detailed research will essentially help you realise that the air filters inside your air conditioning unit prevent dust from entering the AC HVAC system. The filters effectively screen the dust to let it get processed inside the AC unit.
If you’re a first-timer, you must quickly realise that the day-to-day usage often clogs the AC filters with dust, making the AC unit work harder to process the air. This directly leads to greater power consumption than necessary. You may ideally keep the filters clean to improve the efficiency of your AC.
6. Service Regularly
There’s no denying that you must ideally consider servicing your air conditioning unit once annually to keep it functioning correctly. Getting a qualified AC service professional will ensure that the outdoor coils of your unit will get cleaned with the coolant levels and voltage connections getting tested as well. They will also consider a replacement if any part is not functioning as per expectation.
7. Adjusting The Temperature Too Low On Your Thermostat
There’s no denying that the average temperature in summer is typically very high. Figuratively speaking, the temperature often hits 40°C in early or late summer. If you set the thermostat in your AC unit for temperatures under 18° C, you are essentially forcing your AC to go overboard. Ideally, you will find comfort and relaxation between 20° C – 25° C.
Hence, you do not need to set a temperature, specifically lower than what’s necessary. It would be best to consider fixing the temperature between 20° C to 25° C to prevent the air conditioning unit from working overtime.
Final Thoughts
If you are looking for a reliable AC installation and servicing professional outfit, you may consider giving a call at AC Care India.