It is not uncommon for a large business to commonly use a recruitment agency to fill vacancies when they arise. But it is not just something large companies can do, any business can benefit from using IT recruitment agencies or whatever kind of agency they need. It is especially useful when the positions are temp but also great for mid-term and permanent placements too. The experts at a recruitment agency handle the advertising for the job, going through and vetting all the CVs they get when they do, organising tests and interviews and then negotiating with the successful job seekers or now employees! Managers can hand over the whole process, or handle the final interviews. They and the consultancy expert will liaise at every step to ensure only the right candidates get through to the end-stage. Here is a look at the process.
Advertising the job
While you can still find some ads in local papers and at the jobcentre, you are more likely to have success looking online, because most agencies advertise there, and there are a large number of job finding sites there now that people use. A recruitment agency Galway would place their ad online and those interested will apply. The will contain accurate information about the position so that suitable candidates apply. As well as a job description it will include information like the skills they want candidates to have, as well as experience and salary ranges. This way they can automatically weed out applicants who do not meet those skills and requirements.
Reading through the CVs
It is possible for some jobs to get a lot of applications, especially in this current climate. The reading through of CVs is a time-consuming job and this is where IT recruitment agencies and the like prove their value. They will handle it so the business looking for a new employee does not have to waste any time or resources. As the CVs come in the consultant will read through them and any potential candidates that look promising will likely call or contact to check on specifics. The pool they have narrowed it down to they then hand over for review.
The interview stage
When the final candidates have approval one of two things happens. Either the recruiting agency performs the final interviews for the employer, or the employer takes this last part over to get a better feel for them. This might be a telephone interview, or it might be in person. This is also the stage where if there are tests to be done, the candidates do these too. Often it is the recruitment agency that organises and administers them.
Candidate negotiations
When the process is almost complete and a successful candidate has been chosen they will then receive an offer of the job from the recruitment agency, Galway. This is when negotiations happen with starting salary, start date, holiday time and so on. When everyone has agreed and the employee starts work the agency will bill the business for their work in filling the position.