Tezos is a blockchain platform made for the dApps and assets that are open source in nature. This blockchain platform focuses on some important hindrances in blockchain utilization, including public participation, safety ensured by a smart contract, and improvement on a long-term basis. Furthermore, Tezos helps the network to initiate new technological innovations with its modular architecture and an upgrade mechanism. This article will guide you thoroughly in the process of setting up a Tezos node.
How to set up a Tezos Node?
If you wish to run a resilient node against the outages, that is self-manageable, competent enough to accept numerous requests, you may then consider running the Tezos node in the cloud as an option. Below mentioned are the various steps that will help you in setting up a Tezos public testnet node:
Step 1
Setting up an AWS
To setup an AWS, open the Amazon Web Services page, and on the homepage click on the option Create an AWS. After that, insert all the information precisely, then continue by selecting the type of account. Next, insert all the necessary company details in the necessary fields. After that, click on the agreement button to agree to the terms and conditions. Once you have agreed to the terms and conditions, you will receive a confirmation mail; with the help of this mail, sign in entering your credentials. After signing in, select the payment method, add and verify the payment details. In the end, wait for account activation after verifying your phone number and selecting an AWS support plan.
Step 2
Generating a Virtual Private Cloud VPC
Virtual Private Cloud refers to a virtual network that is built for deploying your Tezos node. Start with creating your stack, and then specify your template, followed by specifying stack details. Then continue by configuring the stack options; after you have configured, review and press the create stack button. You may also check the progress by going to the Stack List under the section of Cloud Formation.
Step 3
Key Pair Creation
For gaining access to the EC2 containers after deploying the Tezos node, it is important to authenticate the SSH. In the case of AWS, it makes use of a pair of keys. For generating these keys, you have to go and the EC2 under the services section. Then from the sidebars, click on the key pairs from Network and Security options. Next, click on Create Key Pair. Give a name to your pair of keys, and then select the pem option. Lastly, click on the Create Key Pair.
Step 4
Github Access Token Creation
The next essential step is to make a Github Access Token that allows AWS to initiate the necessary repositories for deploying Tezos node with the AWS Cloud Services. You may start this process by visiting https://github.com/settings/tokens in the beginning. Then continue by selecting the Personal Access token from the sidebar. After this, click on Generate New Token. Attach a note specifying the uses and all the permissions accurately. Next, tick the option named Repo. Finally, click on the Generate New Token button.
Step 5
Deploying a Tezos Updater
Tezos updater has two specific purposes like downloading the historic chain data from the network and ensuring that the node data is being up to date. This step is only required when the node updater needs to be run to control the versioning, and a node is deployed in the AWS region with the non-availability of a public updater. You should run your updater as the public updater’s version may not comply with your node, and you may need to control the data chain you observe. If not wanting to run your updater, you can easily skip this step.
Start with deploying the Tezos updater on Cloud Formation. Click on Create Stack and then select the option named With New Resources. After this, specify the template and stack details. Then continue by configuring the stack options and, in the end, review followed by clicking on the Create Stack option. AWS Certification by Edureka is curated by industry professionals as per the industry requirements and demands
Setting Up s3 Chainbucket Requester Pays
As the Cloud Formation creates some S3 buckets, you may locate them by selecting the S3 option under the services. Click the bucket name button option, and you will be redirected to the bucket’s overview. Then select the Properties option and search for the Requester’s Pay section. Select the Requester’s Pay option. Lastly, by selecting the enable option, save it.
Chain Data Downloading
For downloading Chaindata, there are two options: updating the updater’s configuration for downloading the entire data and accessing another updater running with the same protocol. Start the process of downloading the Chaindata by finding a data source. Then continue with finding a source for the EC2. After that, SSH into EC2 and then continue initiating the data copy. For initiating the data copy, you need to define two variables, namely sourcebucket and targetbucket. In the end, update the ECS tasks.
Step 6
Deploying the Tezos Node
You will deploy frontnode-standalone CloudFormation. Create a stack by going to the services option. Then select Create Stack under the Cloud Formation and continue by selecting the option named With New Resources. After this, specify the templates and stack details. After checking all the configurations and the parameters section, click on Next. Then continue by configuring the stack options. After going through all the necessary details, click on Next. Continue by reviewing and tick on the acknowledgment checkbox and then click on Create Stack. You may also check the progress by going to the Stack List under and clicking on your node under the section of Cloud Formation stack. In the end, update the ECS tasks from task number 0 to 1 and save the new stack. Now will have running nodes and data access already stored in the S3 buckets.
Step 7
Confirming the Nodes
The last step is to ensure that the deployed nodes are in proper sync. For this, you will need a Node Load Balancer connecting to your EC2 containers. Start the process with the AWS console, followed by navigating to the services. You will have to look for the Load Balancer’s in the EC2. For accessing the details, click on the NLB. Search for the DNS name and copy it. This will reflect that the node is responding and updated.
Tezos is a growing platform for blockchain and is making significant efforts in dealing with some of the major drawbacks in blockchain platform utilization. You will easily be able to deploy the Tezos node with the help of this article. However, it is advisable that you also take some guidance from the Tezos technical experts as it will make the process of understanding more convenient with no technical jargon.