If you are in the real estate property business, you already know that most searches are online.
However, do you know that a fifth of these searches are on mobiles and tablets? In recent years, property search activity through smartphones has quadrupled, and this year it is expected to exceed even more.
What does this mean for my business?
If you are a real estate property agent, you will want to join the trend as long as it is positive. Mobile search is exploding across all industries, and this was not going to be an exception for real estate. It is one of the main ones to use optimized websites and applications. The real estate companies that have already integrated them will see the reward in the form of dividends. Creating an optimized website and application will get you far ahead of your competitors.
What are the benefits of having an App in real estate?
There are many. You can use the applications in multiple ways. Through them, you can connect with your clients like never before, offering them the possibility of contacting you via email or message; you can send them notifications based on their needs and interests, an easy-to-use email service, etc. These forms of contact attract potential clients since they have property listings at their fingertips, price, and other comparisons so they can buy online over the phone and more.
Take advantage of your competition in the real estate market
Earlier, when it came to buying, buyers had to walk all over town, meet real estate agents, view houses, and spend days visiting properties. Then came the price comparisons and other more exhaustive searches related to the purchase of the property. Now, with optimized websites and applications, your clients can do more than walk from the office or their home simply by using their smartphone.
You’ll eliminate all the walks and desperate searches and time wasters associated with buying a home. Your clients will appreciate browsing the properties when it suits them and having you available on the phone, in the mail, or through messages when they need you. It is a safe bet for you AND the client. You can also use QR codes for “For Sale” properties within a particular area, so potential customers can scan them and find out more about the property before the hassle of calling.
It will be a 180-degree change for your real estate business
Property listings are the main reason why realtors develop applications, but it is not the only one. You can use them for promotion and business, too. In addition, using the barriers and notifications will allow you to access new clients from the same application based on their needs, interests, and location.
Still not sure?
A recent study showed that 68% of respondents had reached a real estate agent through app searches. 68%! It is impressive, and it shows once again that your real estate agency has an optimized application or website is not just a good idea: it is a necessity.