When Facebook acquired WhatsApp, this news made the town go gaga. Everyone was just talking about this acquisition over the last few years as WhatsApp was our favorite back then and as a matter of fact, it still is. But, this blog is not about you and me using WhatsApp and catching over our long lost conversations. This blog is about WhatsApp business users.
Talking about the world’s most active and popular messenger service, WhatsApp; it seems to be actively entering the customer service territory in the full force of action.
This includes pay to option for businesses and has also reported being focusing on entrepreneurial tools. Sometime late last year, WhatsApp paused its plans for targeted advertising. This surprised all the spectators who thought WhatsApp would walk in the footsteps of its parent company. Yes, we are talking about Whatsapp Marketing Software.
Here How Companies Are Earning and Saving Money Using Whatsapp for Business Whatsapp Marketing tools that will help your business.
A Little Something about the New Update
Matt Idea, who is the chief operating officer of WhatsApp, says that they have been focusing on business messaging products. He also adds and states that WhatsApp does look forward to having ads in its status feature but as of now, that’s not the main focus.
Last year October, WhatsApp launched its recent update that aimed at businesses that were using its APIs. The company’s software lets the business manage their message thread through a third party dashboard outside of their Apps. Right now, the platform charges certain businesses a nominal fee to send out receipts or confirmation reminders via their App.
What Are the New API Features Announced By WhatsApp
Amongst many features launched by WhatsApp, here are the most prominent ones;
- Free storage to host a business message
- High level of encryption
- Commerce & customer services
- WhatsApp Pay
- Disappearing Chats
How Are You Saving Money?
It is not unknown that WhatsApp gives several free services that are worth admiration, and most importantly, cost-saving. Yes, we are talking about the traditional free calling and messaging feature.
We agree that WhatsApp charges businesses a nominal fee to get their SMS Marketing game going but you are still saving money as you pay almost 3/4th less than what you traditionally pay to your service providers. So, it is not only cheaper but also profitable.
Secondly, you are getting access to the largest messaging and networking platform almost for free. In normal cases, you need to buy a database that costs you a fortune. But, WhatsApp gives you access to your audience easily and effortlessly. Isn’t that amazing?
The advertisements have not to world out yet, However, once that starts happening and rolling out in the market, things are going to get smoother, better and extremely profitable.
Furthermore, WhatsApp is trying to increase its functionality too in terms of better customer satisfaction and deliverables. If you are a retailer, you can now promote your Facebook shop on WhatsApp. Isn’t that amazing? So, if you are still not on WhatsApp to run your business, you are doing it wrong. Get going today and leverage WhatsApp for your business.
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